Brandguard Fire & Ember Stopping Continuous Soffit Vent

    Item No.: BGCS

    Availability: In stock

    $0.00 each

    Quick Overview

    Brandguard offers both standard and continuous soffit vents. They are designed to provide critical cool air intake into your home's attic and are tested for use in high-severity fire hazard zones.
      Brandguard fire-proof soffit and undereave vents help stop fires from spreading in your home. They make your home safer in a wildfire by protecting it from embers and radiant heat. Understanding the differences between soffits and eaves is essential to ensuring your roofline's look, function, and feel match your specific needs and preferences. Eaves and soffits overlap, so many homeowners are unsure whether they need one or both types of vents. Soffits are long boards fixed to the underside of your home's rafters, connecting the overhanging part of the roof to the side of the property. Eaves can be exposed, boxed-in, abbreviated, or soffited. Providing a decorative and practical function, they are the edges of the roof, which is why you sometimes hear them referred to as "roof eaves."

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